You have endured a battery of interviews, met countless interviewers, and now are faced with a good, even flattering, offer. You have performed your own due diligence on the employer, just as the employer has with you. Everything checks out fine, but conflicting logic and emotions are holding you back from accepting. It may be a fear of success. It may be fear of the unknown. It may be fear that you will leave friends behind, or not be able to make new friends. (Doubtful, if you have made friends in the past!) The reasons for accepting or declining a job opportunity are finite. Just like a childhood fear of the darkness, sometimes all you need to do is shed some light on the subject. Should you take the job? Here is a check list of questions only you can answer for yourself, to help yourself make the right decision.
The Opportunity in Front of You
Is this an average job, a good job or a great job?
Is it a rare opportunity? If it is rare, how likely is it you will be presented another such opportunity, any time soon?
Does this job excite you? In what ways?
Does this job contribute to your long term goals?
Do you have confidence in your ability to perform highly in this job?
In comparison to the new job, does your current job provide you:
- Greater job security?
- Greater professional growth opportunity?
- Greater income growth opportunity?
- Greater satisfaction?
Would accepting this job add value to your life in terms of:
- Professional growth?
- Respect from your peers?
- Name recognition in your industry?
- Annual compensation? If any, what percentage higher over your current gross income?
- Providing for your family’s needs?
If relocation is necessary, is affordable housing within a reasonable commute to the job?
Does the company’s relocation package provide you the means and flexibility to move without significant financial sacrifice on your part? If you foresee the possibility of financial sacrifice at your end, will your new compensation offset any loss?
Is the company demonstrating a keen interest in making your relocation as painless as possible?
Is this city one in which you can enjoy a high quality of life, given your tastes, your interests, and those of your family?
If the new job does not work out after a year or more, does this new city have a significant number of other potential employers?
Your New Boss
Are you impressed with the hiring executive?
Do you believe the hiring executive invested enough time to get to know you and your capabilities, sufficient to make a wise hiring decision?
Do you like the hiring executive, and does he/she treat you with respect?
Are you confident your new boss will be motivated to assist you in ensuring your success?
Do you believe your new boss will be a good mentor for you? In what ways?
Your New Company
Overall, are you impressed and do you have confidence in the quality of the leadership team?
Based on the people you have met, your observations of others in the hallways, and whatever research you have been able to gather, is this a company where people enjoy working?
Compared to your current or previous employer, do your senses tell you whether this new company’s culture is worse, about the same, or better than that of your current employer?
Is this company on a sound financial footing?
If the company is changing, is it on the right track, and has the leadership outlined a credible plan?
Does the company have a good reputation?
How This Job Would Make You Feel
Is this a company for which you would be proud to say you work?
Is this a job in which you can make a difference, and feel valued for your contribution?
Is this a job for which your family and friends would be proud of you?
Is this a job in which you can challenge yourself?
Is this a job in which you can succeed?
Is this a job in which you can have fun?
Only you can answer these questions. Be candid. Be honest with yourself. If you can define specific concerns, you owe it to the person who wishes to hire you to be as open and candid as possible. This individual has invested significant time in considering you against other potential hires. Talk through any questions you may have, and make a prompt decision. If you decide to decline, do so graciously. If you accept, embrace your new adventure!
Scott Cadwalader, Diligent Partners LLC